A wide range of investment options

Take control of the investments in your pension with a choice of thousands of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Investment Trusts and Mutual Funds

Funds from the world's leading Investment Managers

There’s a wide range of Funds available including Exchange Traded Funds, Mutual Funds (Unit Trusts & OEICs) and Investment Trusts from some of the world’s leading investment managers.

Ready-made portfolio options

If you’re not confident selecting your own investments, or would prefer to leave this to professionals, you may want to use one of the ready-made portfolios.

The funds allow you to have access to a range of global investments, without the hassle of selecting investments yourself. They’re a kind of one-stop solution that keeps your investments on track with little intervention from you.

Transfer your pension to MyExpatSIPP


SIPP value

From £25,000
From £50,000


Full flexi-access drawdown

Payments to overseas bank accounts in over 40 currencies

Full flexi-access drawdown

Payments to overseas bank accounts in over 40 currencies


Default investment option only

(Vanguard SustainableLife 60-70% Equity Fund)

Multi currency investments and cash

Online dealing

ETFs & Investment Trusts

Unit Trusts and OEICs

Default investment option

Annual charge



0.30% on full balance

Full charges schedule



0.35% on balances up to £1m

0.20% on balances over £1m

Full charges schedule

Select the appropriate SIPP